Upcoming/latest publications, events, readings, performances

A great upcoming reading! Todd Colby and Jasmine Dreame Wagner, the latest Readings at Familiar Trees, which I’m curating with Brandon Downing. Saturday, January 28, 2023, 4-6pm. Familiar Trees, 47 Railroad Street Great Barrington MA 01230 www.familiartrees.com

STACY SZYMASZEK and TED DODSON! I am thrilled to be helping organize & host a reading in Great Barrington, MA for these two SUPER poets on NOVEMBER 12 at Familiar Trees Bookstore, 47 Railroad St. For more info: www.familiartrees.com

A SHOW OF MY COLLAGES AND PHOTOS: Familiar Trees in Great Barrington MA will be presenting an exhibition of my collages and photos. Very exciting! This work was created to illustrate my first book, Local Color/Eidetic Deniers, published by Alan Davies/Other Publications in 1978. The show will run from Sat. Sept 17 to Sat Oct 1. There will be a reception at the gallery on Sat Oct 1 at 5:00 PM.

CLARK COOLIDGE AND ARDA COLLINS! I am thrilled to be helping organize & host a reading in Great Barrington, MA for these two fabulous poets on Sept 17 at Familiar Trees Bookstore, 47 Railroad St. For more info: www.familiartrees.com

It’s BOSTON POETRY MARATHON time!! I will be participating again. This year I’ll be reading - virtually - on Friday, August 5. https://bostonpoetrymarathon.wordpress.com/

ASHBERY AT 95 AND THE TENNIS COURT OATH! Just thrilled to be participating in this wonderful event on Sunday, July 31 in Hudson, NY at the Flow Chart Foundation. You can learn more about THIRTEEN MILLION PILLARS OF GRASS: A GATHERING OF POETS, WRITERS, SCHOLARS, ARTISTS, PERFORMERS, AND READERS honoring John Ashbery on what would have been his 95th birthday here.

CRAIG WATSON MEMORIAL READING - I’m pleased to be joining this tribute to Craig Watson on Sunday, June 5, at 4:30 ET on Zoom. Here are the details: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82826008459?pwd=U21QZkhUd0xrOElqZzhFN1hUK1JsUT09 Meeting ID: 828 2600 8459 Passcode: 75123

BOOK PARTY!!! For all you folks up here north of NYC, we’ll be getting together in Great Barrington, MA for a much-delayed book party for The Selected on Sat. April 9 at 5:00 PM. Location: the wonderful new bookstore in Great Barrington: Familiar Trees, 7 Railroad Street. Great Barrington, MA 02130. See you there!

A REVIEW of my Selected Poems has just gone up on Heavy Feather Review: (thank you Steven Fraccaro and Heavy Feather): https://heavyfeatherreview.org/2022/02/10/michael-gottlieb/

Next! …I’ll be appearing at the Poetry Project at St. Marks’ annual New Years Marathon (virtually, that is)… stay tuned (actually I’ve already recorded it)

I just read... as part of Chax Press’s November 21 (virtual) extravaganza (click here for the YouTube)

Just read at the Poetry Project at St. Marks - on Wed., Oct 6 - with Josef Kaplan, introduced by Kyle Dacuyan(click here for YouTube recording). What a night… for just about everyone: it was our first time back, at a reading/giving a reading… in front of real live people. Pretty intense!

just read as part of the Welcome to Boog City 15 Arts Festival, a fundraiser for Boog and its endeavors on Sun. Sept. 26

Exquisite Pandemic has just republished The Dust, my 9/11 poem. Also included here is an introduction/memoir piece of mine about the writing of that poem (‘About The Dust’), which is excerpted from The Selected: https://www.exquisitepandemic.com/gottlieb-dust

NOW: Michael Hickins has just released the first drop of his new podcast, ‘But I Digress’…. an interview with me: https://anchor.fm/michael-hickins/episodes/But-I-Digress-with----Michael-Gottlieb-e1552ns

Fall 2021: Selected Poems of Michael Gottlieb, published by Chax! … with a preface by Ron Sillilman, introduction by Lonely Christopher, blurbs by Brenda Iijima and Rodrigo Toscano…. it’s coming in September!!

Rodrigo Toscano has just conducted a dialogue with me, just published on The Operating System, available through Medium: here